Parking within Ames Place is reserved for Ames Place residents and their guests. All others will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Please park in front of your own home. The curb space fronting a single-family home should be reserved for the residents of that home and their visitors. When planning an event or gathering at your home, please inform your neighbors of possible parking overflow.
Alleys should only be used for parking during those times when street parking is limited — i.e. curbside leaf pickup weeks, block parties, and subdivision events such as the 4th of July party or Fall Festival. When parking in the alley, please pull up as close to your property line as possible. Do not park near the dumpsters or in any way restrict your neighbor’s garage access.
The residents of the apartments on University Drive may only park in front of or to the side of the apartment buildings, or in the designated parking spaces behind the apartments. Parking in the alley behind University Drive is strictly forbidden. Any unauthorized cars parking in front, behind, or to the side of any single family home or garage will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Report a unauthorized vehicle parked in Ames…contact Keeta Holmes at k[email protected] For Washington University students living in an apartment on University Drive please contact Res Life for a permit. Ames Place will not issue you a residential sticker.